Our Leadership

Justin Magri


A message from our leader

In 2023 we’ve got some work to do! It’s all about philanthropy and fun. Here’s how we’re going to improve on those this year.

Membership: Recruiting new members, engaging existing members, and connecting to supportive non-nobles is priority. More events, more fund-raisers, more fun.

Communication: Our communications to our members and supporters needs to be more reliable and consistent. Our website will be a useful and functional tool for members and supporters.

“Family”: The masonic organizations are a big, extended family. The Shriners are just one group and as part of that family we want to involve non-Shriners in our events and participate in others. The past few years affected that and it’s time to build it back up.

Our Shriner Leadership

Thom Beck

Chief Rabban

Albert Johnson

Assistant Rabbin

Steve Saxton

High Priest and Prophet

Isack Waserman

Oriental Guide

Ray Collette


Gavin Forrester


Mike Mulherin

1st Ceremonial Master

Dean Buzzell

2nd Ceremonial Master

Ray Roche

Captain of the Guard

Wayne Scinto

Outer Guard

Tom Gilberti


Bill Brooks

Colonel of the Units

Kyle Dougherty

Immediate Past Potentate