Shriners International, formerly known as The Ancient Arabic Order of The Nobles of The Mystic Shrine (AAONMS), is an honorable fraternity focused squarely on the tenets of Fun and Philanthropy.
Though a separate organization, Shriners International is firmly rooted in, and closely affiliated with, the world of Freemasonry. In order to join, one must first hold the title of Master Mason.
Below we've broken the process down and provided some links and educational resources to aid you inquiries.
Once you've been granted the title of Master Mason you can proceed in joining organizations such as Shriners International.
You can find a wealth of information on our fraternal order at the Be A Shriner Now website below:
If you're ready to join us at Pyramid Shrine, please reach out to our Recorder here at:
The Freemasons are a fraternal order that trace its origins back at least 300 years and spans the entire globe.
To learn more about Freemasonry, visit
To begin your Masonic journey here in Connecticut, you can visit the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut website below: